Patriot Timber Products Wood Purchasing Policy

At Patriot Timber Products, we acknowledge the critical importance of sustainable forestry management for the continued availability of wood products to future generations. Our Wood Sourcing Policy underscores our commitment to promoting long-term environmental stewardship and responsible sourcing practices. To align with these principles, we have developed the following guidelines for wood procurement:

1. Operating with Sensitivity

We operate with sensitivity to forest ecosystems, recognizing their significance in supporting biodiversity and the livelihoods of local communities.

2. Sourcing from Responsible Suppliers

We prioritize sourcing from suppliers with demonstrated commitment to responsible forestry practices. Suppliers must adhere to both international and national forestry management standards and laws.

3. Procuring Sustainable Species

We exclusively utilize wood species from sustainable forest resources, ensuring minimal ecological impact.

4. Supporting NGO Environmental Initiatives

Patriot Timber Products supports NGO environmental initiatives with the goal of promoting responsible sourcing of forest products, forest protection, habitat restoration and forest conservation.

5. Ensuring Transparency and Compliance

Suppliers are required to provide transparent documentation showcasing their compliance with forestry management standards and laws. We establish regular monitoring schedules to ensure ongoing environmental performance.

6. Certification and Compliance

We maintain Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) Chain of Custody (CoC) Certification through Preferred by Nature, reaffirming our commitment to sourcing wood from responsibly managed forests. Compliance with the Lacey Act regulations is mandatory to ensure that all imported wood is sourced, produced, and traded in an environmentally responsible and legal manner.

7. Due Diligence Requirements

All wood product suppliers must adhere to Patriot Timber Products’ Wood Sourcing Policy. Suppliers are required to submit the following documentation for each Purchase Order placed by Patriot Timber Products:

  • VAT Invoices
  • Transportation Records
  • Transaction Records
  • Harvest Permits or Licenses

The documents listed below also must be provided by suppliers for wood products / inputs that are imported from other countries:

  • Bills of Lading
  • Sales Orders / Purchase Orders
  • Commercial Invoices Packing Lists
  • Phytosanitary Certificates
  • Certificates of Origin

These documents are required for all wood used for our products. To assess and manage wood sourcing risks, our manufacturing partner, Future Timber Trading, conducts onsite inspections at our veneer mills and has onsite inspectors at our manufacturing partners’ facilities. Product is consolidated at Future Timber Trading’s facility where wood inputs are inspected and verified again.

As an organization, we do not source from suppliers who cannot meet our wood sourcing documentation and traceability requirements. Patriot Timber Products aims for complete traceability from the forest to the customer.

Guiding Principles

Our practices are guided by the following principles:

  • Zero tolerance for illegal logging and deforestation.
  • Preservation of High Conservation Value (HCV) areas and biodiversity.
  • Avoidance of sourcing endangered species.
  • Protection of human rights and engagement in Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) processes where applicable.
  • Commitment to maintaining wood sourcing traceability.

Vendor Requirements

Suppliers must uphold their own wood sourcing policies consistent with our requirements. Non-compliance may result in notification and potential business consequences.

Commitment to Sustainability

Patriot Timber Products actively seeks sustainably sourced wood products and encourages vendors to obtain credible third-party certifications whenever feasible. We prioritize FSC-certified wood products in our procurement process, provided they meet business and market requirements.

Compliance with Sanctions

We do not source products from countries or entities subject to U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control sanctions.

In embracing these policies, Patriot Timber Products reaffirms its commitment to sustainable forestry management, environmental responsibility, and ethical sourcing practices in partnership with our customers.