The Environmental Crisis of Tropical Hardwood Plywood - (Lauan, Luan, Meranti)

For over 50 years, tropical hardwood plywood (Lauan, Luan, Meranti) has been utilized by numerous industries due to its durability, strength, aesthetic appeal and affordability.  These characteristics have made tropical hardwood panels a popular choice for construction, millwork, furniture, cabinetry, and crafts.  As a result of irresponsible forestry management practices, there are significant concerns regarding the sustainability of these tropical species and the effect on vulnerable forests around the world.  Unsustainable management of Lauan, Luan, and Meranti, have led to the widespread destruction of natural resources, and the conversion of tropical rain forests to agriculture, ranching, and mining.  Once these ecosystems are changed, the original forests cannot be restored.

Weak governance, corruption, inadequate law enforcement, and illegal logging have all contributed to deforestation, undermined local economies, and deprived communities of their valuable natural resources.

To address the environmental challenges posed by the production of tropical hardwood plywood (Lauan, Luan, Meranti), it is critical to promote selective harvesting, low impact logging, and alternative sustainable sources.  Adopting these practices will help maintain ecosystem integrity, preserve biodiversity, and ensure the sustainable use of forest resources over the long term.

The ongoing destruction of the world’s rainforests has led to the continuous decline in the quality of tropical hardwood plywood.  Today, tropical hardwood panels (Lauan, Luan, Meranti) vary in density, weight, color, and grain due to the wide assortment of species used in production.  These aspects negatively affect the strength, appearance, machining, and finishing of the panels. 

It is critical for manufacturers, industries, governments, and consumers to embrace sustainable alternatives that minimize ecological damage and contribute to the conservation of our precious natural resources.  By sourcing responsibly and utilizing innovative wood products, we can work towards a future where sustainability and environmental stewardship are at the forefront of our decision-making processes. 

More than 15 years ago, Patriot Timber Products recognized these environmental concerns and developed green alternatives.  RevolutionPly® plywood is the superior alternative to non-sustainable Lauan, Luan, and Meranti panels found in the market today.  All of the wood veneers used in our Patriot Timber Family of Panel Products originate from plantation and sustainable sources.  RevolutionPly® panels provide a consistent core along with our patented straight grain face and back veneers. RevolutionPly® panels are available in thicknesses ranging from 2.7mm to 18mm and various lengths and widths to support numerous applications.  

When you choose the Patriot Timber Family of Panel Products you are selecting the best plywood panels in the market and doing your part to help protect the environment.   

We must act now and make the sustainable choice to preserve our planet for future generations.